The parts I ordered to complete my Youtube diorama have arrived. I had to do a small redesign so that I can cover more background space with less parts. My old gray diorama was about 2.5 feet tall and I’m planning to make this one the same size too.

All this construction takes a while, and then I have to work on the floor afterwards. It should be easy since it will be made mostly of 6×6 tiles. I’ve been experimenting with different size turntables that I will build into the floor.

Once that’s done, I will start filming my comeback video. I’ll still update this site every now and then with my MOCs, but my main focus will be on making videos again from here on. That said, I also have a rough idea of when I’ll start posting videos again.
I should be coming back to Youtube in December this year. I know it’s a few months away, but I still have some things to take care of in my personal life, but I should be good by then. I also need to learn a lot of the new software that are out now. When I was actively Youtubing I was only using Windows Movie Maker. After seeing some of the quality of videos out there, I have to learn some new stuff. If you try looking at this blog with a smart phone or tablet, you can see even the quality of my blog could use some work too.
Once I’m back, I’m looking to post at least 1 video every 2 weeks. I originally wanted to do a weekly video but it would be hard to do that consistently. Still, I’m really looking forward to coming back. I have a few ideas I think everyone will like.