I wanted to provide a quick update. I will need to delay coming back to Youtube until maybe February 2022. I’m sorry for this announcement, but there’s a good reason for it. I’m in the middle of buying a house and there have been unexpected delays associated with it. While I tried pushing for this month, it does not look like it is happening. Otherwise, everything is almost set. One of the reasons why I couldn’t do Youtube in all these years is because I’ve been living in a very small apartment. Getting this new house will finally give me the great man cave I need to do my work. In the meantime, especially since the vast majority of my Lego collection is in storage, I’ve decided to just work on the stuff I haven’t finished building yet. It would be nice to start wrapping up all the builds I started.
I now present, the updated A-10 Warthog.

Notice the background is improvised. The Youtube diorama is already packed away. For starters though, I made almost all the improvements I wanted to make from the original model, starting with the wings. I was able to get them angled without using hinge plates and they’re now slightly thinner than my first model.

I also changed the cockpit and canopy. Now I know that this is now how the real A-1o canopy opens up, but I find this part to be the closest shape of the whole canopy when it’s closed. I am hoping, some day in the future, Lego will finally make new canopy parts that will go better than the one I’m using.

It’s almost complete. Just need to add missiles and some tiles to fill up the empty areas under the wings. I’ve decided not to add flaps to the wings and tail, but I can always add them later. There are also no covers for the landing gear too. I didn’t add these details because I like to swoosh with this on a daily basis. My experience with flaps is that they always move when it was unintended. I could make them stiff, but since most of my Lego parts are packed away already, it will have to wait.